This service is provided for up to 10 passengers (kids/infants are considered as passengers).
FROM $88 USDLocated in Cabo San Lucas, Plaza Los Dorados is within a 15-minute walk of Marina Cabo San Lucas and San Lucas Bay.
Featured amenities include express check-in, express check-out, and a 24-hour front desk. Free parking is also available.
How long does a transportation from Los Cabos Airport to Plaza Los Dorados takes?
The total transportation time is about 15 - 20 Minutes. Consider that this depends on traffic conditions around Cabo San Lucas.
Our services can be used from Los Cabos Airport or from Plaza Los Dorados to any destination within Los Cabos. The most popular services are Private Transportation, provided in very comfortable vans; Luxury Transportation, provided in SUV vehicles with premium services; and Group Transportation, provided in larger vans for groups (>10).
Normal services are non-stop, but you can include as many stops as you wish (charges may apply), either to get some snacks, drinks or souvenirs on your way to the airport or to Plaza Los Dorados .
You can get from hotel to any of the other locations of our list, either in the same or in another area.
If you wish to get picked up at Plaza Los Dorados and be driven to a custom location, search for the area (i.e. where it's located. e.g. San Jose, San Lucas, etc.) and send the specific information via the comment box. (address, pin location or geo-coordinates)
All our transportation services are completely private.
Los Cabos Airport Transportation provides private Cabo Airport Shuttle services from Los Cabos
Airport to Plaza Los Dorados. The shuttle is private, not shared, provided in a van that can take up to 10 people comfortably and with luggage. Cabo Airport Shuttle service is fast and reliable and it will take no time to get to your hotel.
As mentioned above, Los Cabos Airport Transportation provides Cabo Airport Transportation to any hotel or destination in Cabo like Plaza Los Dorados. Our Airport Transportation services are complete, safe and reliable for you to use, and our transportation services are as follows:
This service is provided for up to 10 passengers (kids/infants are considered as passengers).
FROM $88 USDThis service is provided for up to 6 passengers (kids/infants are considered as passengers).
FROM $105 USDThis service is provided for up to 5 passengers (kids/infants are considered as passengers).
FROM $131 USDThis service is provided for up to 16 passengers (kids/infants are considered as passengers).